
Munchkin has made his way around, and into the hearts of, at least 4 foster families in NJ. In my 19 years of fostering, he has the most number of people who miss him and check in on him (his fans are rooting for his perfect forever home!)

The most common thing I hear from everyone who meets him is that he doesn’t act his age. While he may be a senior, and has some signs of aging (don’t we all?), his energy and enthusiasm make him appear half his age. He enjoys his walks and does a great job of letting you know when he needs to go outside. Munchkin’s favorite things to do are marking posts on his walks, and finding his way under (once in a while on top) of blankets for snoozing.

Munchkin is good with men and women alike and isn’t bothered by kids (except sometimes little ones). He likes staying close to you and is a happy guy. He is good with almost every other dog he’s met – male/female, large/small. He often goes for car rides with us, and doesn’t mind waiting in the car while the days are still this cool.

Munchkin’s biggest accomplishment is that he learned to go up and down a full flight of stairs this week! We think he’s never lived in a multi-floor home. Munchkin’s dislikes are being left alone and hard food that he might have trouble chewing. The perfect family for Munchkin will have older or no children (9+), someone who is home most of the day to keep him company and an owner or family who can accompany him on his walks (some days he may go out for 5 quick breaks). Munchkin receives daily eye drops and uses male wraps if he is alone all day or overnight, just in case.

For more information and pictures of Munchkin, visit: